Our Tableau server has (at the moment) 28 sites spread over as many departments. Newer (v8+) versions of Tableau Server do a better job of notifying if a workbook failed when logged in, but there still isn't a good way to get them pushed out. Site Admins can look at the system dashboards to see failed extracts, but that doesn't help users who only publish.
I was getting sick and tired of sending people email saying "your extract keeps failing because of X. Please fix it or I will disable it." Cutting down on these failed extracts becomes especially important when they hit the backgrounder.querylimit (default is 2 hours), which means they occupied one of the backgrounders for 2 hours with nothing to show for it. I have a couple dashboards that tell me about chronic offenders, but the single most effective tool has been sending automatic notifications to the owner of a workbook or datasource when it fails.
To accomplish this I used Pentaho Data Integration to:
- Query the internal Tableau Server database to find failed extracts and the owner.
- Email the owner.
- See your failed extracts diminish.
The SQL looks for the last hour, so you will need to adjust that if you plan to run on a different schedule.
The Pentaho Transform is available here.